TURNING IT TO ELEVEN | Like your cars with a little something more? Lucky you, two of our feature cars are 4-doors.
Issue 11 on the Press Plus A New Website...
Well we just finished Issue 11 of Garage|Shots, and we're excited for it to hit newsstands, just in time for fall. This issue was a little like that scene in Spinal Tap where Nigel Tufnel is showing off his Marshall guitar amplifiers. He points out one in particular whose control knobs all have the highest setting of eleven, unlike standard amplifiers whose volume settings are numbered from 0 to 10. Nigel believes that this numbering actually increases the volume of the amp. "It's one louder," he says. Hahahaha! Yes! and so is GarageShots Issue 11!
And A Fresh New Website....
We've also just launched a brand new website for the magazine. The new site has a host of new features and its mobile friendly. Check out on your phone or tablet.
Issue 11 Features
Back to the new issue...Issue 11 showcases some amazing diversity of Canadian vehicles: we've got:
- a '34 Ford
- a '55 Chevy Bel Air
- a '66 Crown Vic
- a '69 Super Bee
- and a '70 Camaro
- And two of our feature cars are 4-doors.
Single issues of the magazine and subscriptions can be purchases on our shopping site and digital versions will be for sale shortly on iTunes and Pocketmags.