Issue 10

This Summer's Hottest Read Heads to Press...

We signed off on the galleys of Issue Ten today. Yay! This issue will be available for sale nationally on newsstands beginning June 1, 2014. "It's very exciting issue," said Darrren Greenwood, Executive Publisher. "All the featured cars are black. We're hoping its going to be this summer's hottest read. Not just because its filled with hot cars, but also because black absorbs sunlight." Darren has recently returned from three car shows, one in Calgary, one in Regina and one in Winnipeg. The shows reinforced the momentum that Garage|Shots is seeing. "I had lots of positive comments from readers about the magazine. It's very rewarding to hear people's reactions first hand," he said. 

Single issues can be purchases on our shopping site and digital versions will be for sale shortly on iTunes and Pocketmags.